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503 Forest Hill Drive
Blacksburg, VA, 24060
United States


A Blacksburg, VA wedding florist specializing in a romantic garden style. Designer Jody Strom.


Who we are

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The Moss & Rose is a floral design studio located in the wonderful town of Blacksburg, Virginia. We specialize in weddings and events - any occasion that needs flowers to give it a extra element of elegance or grace. We love the feel of romantic, English garden style arrangements, but we also love a bit of the unusual or exotic - like mixing orchids with garden flowers! 

Though we are new to the New River Valley, we are not new to the flower business. The Moss & Rose was started in Houston, Texas, several years ago after "playing" at being a florist for many family and friends' weddings all over the US. After only 1 1/2 years of being an official business, Bride's Houston was kind enough to name us as one of the top six florists in the city this past summer! 

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I have always loved flowers - growing them, collecting them, and of course, arranging them. My love of flowers started on the growing side – gardening with my parents in Maryland, earning a degree in Horticulture from Washington State University, and completing a three-year stint as a grower for a nursery in Iowa. After fiddling with flower arranging for years, I finally designed the flowers for my first wedding in 2006, and, since then, it has become a passion!

Every time someone looks at one of our pieces, I want them to enjoy a different element or see a new bit of magic. That means that often in one of our pieces, even a small piece, I will include many different types of flowers, foliage, seed pods, berries, twigs, or even whole plants. I love designing with bits grown in our gardens (if the deer don't eat everything), any flowers I can get my hands on that are grown locally, and adding in some vines or branches from a lonely field. 

I am a wife to a wonderful husband, the mother to four super cute and energetic children, and a gardener who loves working with flowers both in the soil and in a vase.

- Jody  (